Frequently Asked Question

What’s payment method you accept?

We accept many payment method, there’s :
PayPal, Payooner, and TransferWise. Just choice the one that more comfortable for you

How many you can deliver in 24 hours?

Well, it’s variation beetwen each different style.
For Pet Cartoon, we can deliver up to 150+ potraits/day
For Pet Disney, we can deliver up to 50+ potraits/day
And for Human Cartoon, we can deliver up to 100+ potraits/day
We upgrading our capacity everyday!

What’s payment time?

Usually we will send an invoice every 2 weeks once.
And payment can be done with one of platform that available on the first questions.

How many revision you will provide?

We will provide UNLIMITED REVISION for our clients.

Can you explain your workflow?

We usually discuss this questions with our clients.
But simply, we can follow any workflow you loved to!
Usually, we used Trello for managing orders beetwen 2 company, at some case we also handling Shopify Orders-Page clients.
So what they need to do just print the final files and let us do our job.
For daily orders more than 20+ potraits/day we can handle your Shopify Orders-Page for FREE!
So we will provide .ai files that ready to print and send it to your customers

Are your prices negotiable?

Yes! We can discuss about the prices.
Mostly, if your orders daily is about 20-50 potraits/day you will get my minimum prices!
Also with adding FREE MANAGEMENT for your orders and we will provide the final files to be printed.